Dental Fee
Our pricing for all the services you receive in our clinic is determined entirely by considering the economies of our customers.
If the cost of your dental treatment exceeds £3000, you can benefit from all of the following services free of charge.
- Hotel Free
- Transfers (airport / hotel / clinic) Free
- Panoramic X-ray, diagnosis Free
- Local anesthesia Free
- Medicine Free
- Temporary crown Free
- Rental Car Free
Price list for dental crowns and dental veneers
Our price list determined for the treatments to be applied
- Periodontitis care / per jaw £200
- Extraction £20
- Filling (white composite) £50
- Root canal treatment (1-2 roots) £50
- Root canal treatment (molar tooth 3 roots) £90
- Screw £30
- Laser teeth whitening £200
- Intensive scaling, polishing £50
Our price list determined according to the type of implant to be applied
- Titanium implant NucleOss +Abutment £300
- Swiss NTA titanium implant +Abutment £350
- Titanium implant Megagene+Abutment £420
- Titanium implant Nobel Biocare+Abutment £500
- Abutment Prosthetic £30
Our price list determined according to the bone surgery procedure to be performed
- Surgical extraction £100
- Sinus lifting indirect / pushing £150
- Sinus lifting (bone graft included) £500
- 1.0 cc bone graft £200
- Resorbable collagen membrane £120
- Cyst removal (curettage) £150
- Apicectomy (apical resection) £150
Our price list determined according to the prosthesis procedures to be applied
- Prosthesis with the slides (without hook) £835
- Complete prosthesis clipped on 4 implants £1180
- Complete prosthesis clipped on 2 implants £1000
- Prosthesis with bar screwed on 4 implants (All on 4) £1350
- Temporary removable denture acrylic £125
- Removable prosthesis type denture (partial / total) £590